Hi! I am Mikki Kiger, and I would like to welcome you to the start of a journey, the start of what I hope will be something truly wonderful.
After working in a regular 8-5, (or sometimes 8-8) cube farm for 3 years, I have been laid off and have decided that there's no time like the present to look at and hopefully go into business for myself.
Introducing "The Epic Bath", a store that is intended to take the everyday event of bathing and turn it into a ritual that will relax, restore, and invigorate the mind and body. Who doesn't come home from a long day at the office and wish they could go to the spa and relax? Have a rough day at the office? Work through lunch on that deadline? Nail that huge client presentation? Why not grab a glass of wine, some tasty chocolate, a good book, and head off to your very own in-house spa....your bathtub. Your home should be a sanctuary from the rest of the world, and my goal for "The Epic Bath" is to be a place to come to make your home your sanctuary, and to help you to help yourself relax and de-stress from life.
I am very passionate about enhancing the relaxation experience, and it's a journey to discover what makes for a great bath. So I hope that anyone that reads this will help me along the path by sharing with me maybe something they've been missing? Something they haven't been able to find? A hard to find scent or hard to find product? How could my business idea better fit your needs?
I will update this blog with ideas, product making experiences, and even have opportunities to become product testers (Read: FREE products made by me!) and have DIRECT input that will help shape my product line! Very exciting stuff! Stay tuned!