I have a job interview for a lighting manufacturing company coming up in the next couple of weeks, but not to worry sports fans, The Epic Bath WILL continue on as planned. I am still searching for the fix for the website, but I think I have stumbled upon a lead.....more on that later. I will, however, be taking a brief pause from soap making and the rest of the world at large while my husband and I prepare to move to Federal Way next weekend. In an effort to make things go more smoothly, we have already started the packing process and have a narrow path in the hallway between the packed and not yet built, ready to be packed, boxes. I'd say we are about 70% ready to go, because most of what's been packed were things that were in cupboards and the like. It's weird though, because if you look around our place, it doesn't look like we've hardly done anything!
But in order to make things go more smoothly, I will be packing up the lab either Friday or Saturday, and tucking the already made product into a box for safe keeping until the move is complete and I can again 'set up shop' in the new place. Moving is always such a stressful time, good thing I have plenty of Bath bombs to get me through! They are leftovers from the experimental days and since have changed in either color or composition (I've since added Jasmine tea to my Ahimsa Bombs and the Carnival Candy Bombs are now pink) and I cannot sell these ones, so I'll just have to use them myself! Darn!
Anyway, I will keep blogging through the next couple of weeks but I won't be able to create anything new until I get set up in the new place. So...until then, dear readers. Until then.