Thursday, December 30, 2010

Business License

So I just went and applied for my business license today, along with my husband. We are now not only life partners, but now business partners as well :)

I also stopped by a supply shop and picked up my first round of materials for soap making, and will start experimenting this week! I'm excited. So far my first experiments will be with Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree and Passionfruit (not all in the same one, however!) I'm starting simple with green and white coloring, and plain ol' box shapes. After I get the concoctions right, I'll step it up to more interesting shapes.

I'll let you know how they turn out, with pictures and all that good stuff. Happy New Year!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve!

I will have visions of sugarplum bath bombs and candy cane soap dreams tonight :) I hope that by this time next year, I will be able to have a full line of wonderfully relaxing holiday bath items available to share with everyone! I have so many great ideas, I can't wait to get started!

I have started developing a product line, and I'm hoping to include bar soaps, bubble bath, bath bombs, fizzing bath salts, sugar lip scrubs, salt body scrubs, face masks, shower bubble jellies, bath crayons and hopefully some neck pillows and eye pillows that are filled with herbs to help with relaxing and taking the stress away.....

Can't wait to get started making the basic recipes, and of course, product testing!

Hoping you the happiest and most relaxing of holidays,


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Journey Begins.....

Hi! I am Mikki Kiger, and I would like to welcome you to the start of a journey, the start of what I hope will be something truly wonderful.

After working in a regular 8-5, (or sometimes 8-8) cube farm for 3 years, I have been laid off and have decided that there's no time like the present to look at and hopefully go into business for myself.

Introducing "The Epic Bath", a store that is intended to take the everyday event of bathing and turn it into a ritual that will relax, restore, and invigorate the mind and body. Who doesn't come home from a long day at the office and wish they could go to the spa and relax? Have a rough day at the office? Work through lunch on that deadline? Nail that huge client presentation? Why not grab a glass of wine, some tasty chocolate, a good book, and head off to your very own in-house spa....your bathtub. Your home should be a sanctuary from the rest of the world, and my goal for "The Epic Bath" is to be a place to come to make your home your sanctuary, and to help you to help yourself relax and de-stress from life.

I am very passionate about enhancing the relaxation experience, and it's a journey to discover what makes for a great bath. So I hope that anyone that reads this will help me along the path by sharing with me maybe something they've been missing? Something they haven't been able to find? A hard to find scent or hard to find product? How could my business idea better fit your needs?

I will update this blog with ideas, product making experiences, and even have opportunities to become product testers (Read: FREE products made by me!) and have DIRECT input that will help shape my product line! Very exciting stuff! Stay tuned!
