Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bath Bombs....bombed?

So having a really productive day today! We got the overload of crap out of our corridor (which makes me happy) and it really opens up the space when you don't have piles and piles of stuff on either side! Started our new filing system, donated a car load of stuff to Goodwill, reorganized the storage closet, went and renewed gym membership, so now it's time for dinner....and soap :)

Thought I would try my hand at the bath bombs. Followed a recipe I found online, and everything was going ok....or so I thought....until I went to put it into the molds. I put the mixture in the same molds that I use for the 4oz soap blocks and now I'm looking over into the kitchen at my worktable at what looks like 4 light purple (it's the lavendar, honey and chamomile bombs, still need a name....something relaxing, to do with sleep....any suggestions?) expanding cupcakes! They are coming out of their molds! I think I may have used too much water or something! HOLY CRAP!

I'm going to let them dry, if they dry (here's prayin') and see how they turn out. If they are ok, I think I can use half as much in the molds and still get pretty decent sized bath bombs....if not, back to good ol' square 1.

Wish me luck! I'm going in!
