I used the soap the other night when I took a shower and it seems to be everything that my sensitive skin needs....gentle, doesn't dry my skin out (good for winter!!), and it doesn't leave that weird film on the skin like a lot of store brands tend too. I think this is an excellent test, because my skin seems to be more sensitive then most people's, so if my skin can take it without falling off, it will work wonderfully for the general population.
The scent and color was heavenly, I think I've figured out the right amount of coloring, and at least the right amount of scent for at least one type of soap. The scent was strong enough so that while you are in the shower or bath, you get the benefits of the aromatherapy without the scent being overpowering when you get out. I have always hated having to use unscented, white soap because it's the only thing that doesn't make my skin break out. Does anyone else have that same problem? WELL, I think I am on the path to finding a permanent solution for anyone who feels, like me, that just because you have an intolerance to something, be it chemicals in soap, or different types of foods, that you still deserve to have choices, and good choices at that, of the products that you buy.
That's all for now, I will be attempting to make Lemon soap, and *hopefully* lavender soap that should be ready for use tomorrow or later this week :)