With a clearer understanding of that, I now need to secure my merchant services and payment gateways so I can accept credit cards, and then I can update my website and I think we will be ready to roll! What a weird feeling this is....I'm on the verge of doing something huge, but I have no idea where this road will lead, I just know it feels like I'm doing the right thing and I'm a step closer to leading the life I want.
I have a goal in mind for this place, well, this virtual place to start with, and that is that I will eventually be a full-fledged store with a store front. In an ideal world, there would be a 3-bedroom living space on top where I live so that there's no commute, and I could walk down the stairs to work. That would be fabulous. I know there are places like that around town, I just have to find them. And find them at a time when I can afford the rents. But for now I will start out online, working out of our little apartment tucked away in the Rainer Valley. OH! And I have a logo in the works, should have that up and ready to show to people soon. I'm very excited. So far the product testing guinea pigs have come back and said they like everything, so I'm pretty confident that I've hit the right mix of things.
I will keep you readers updated on what's happening, the small handful of you that there are. I'm not sure how many people read me, but I'm glad you're here for the ride :)